The technological solutions developed by DGS Fabrics researchers contribute to economic growth that is more focused on organisms and the environment. It continues to develop the technologies to manage and preserve natural resources, case of living environments, control impacts on nature. Besides, it is highly focused on developing alternate source of energy. As a corporate we continue to endeavoring to conserve for coming generations to protect the natural resources. Every efforts are being made and put forward to recognize the future requirements. Current focused approach of DGS Fabrics include the followings new main technologies/innovations:
3-Layered Geomembrane Floating Cover
Inside relining of Oil and Gas Storage, Chemical and Water Tanks, etc.
Inflatable Pillow Tanks
Soil and Sludge Consolidation, Geotubes
Special Products for healthcare purposes
DGS Fabrics provides engineering, design, construction (installation), and maintenance services of many types of geosynthetics products with a focus on geomembrane liners and floating covers.